Look Back at August
September 09, 2019
In the Dark, binge-watched this on my days off and can't wait for season 2Always Be My Maybe, finally (lol Keanu cameo)
Instant Hotel (season 2), guilty pleasure
Tiny House Nation, definitely searched online for tiny homes for sale after this
Three Women, began this while camping, read for hours on end, and finished wide-eyed on our couchAsk Me Again, Yes, slow to start but now I'm sucked in and can't wait to see what happens
Hidden Brain, rediscovered during an epic cleaning project at workOlogies, my newest podcast obsession
Mysterious Universe, with Shawn on our days off
Scott Bradley's Postmodern Jukebox, the best covers of all the songs, hands down
Unified Highway - Are You That Somebody, speaking of covers... on repeat
In the Kitchen:
Blueberry Crumb Cake, with sour cream instead of milkBeer Bread & Beer Cheese, recipe testing for a class we ended up cancelling
Summer Quiche, with zucchini and red peppers and not enough milk
Gluten-free Vegan Vanilla Cupcakes, for work and based off various recipes
Mustard Chicken, marinated 36 hours and oven-roasted
Zucchini Bread, topped with Nutella

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